The Amazing Monarch
The Monarch is the best-known butterfly in North America. I can hardly bring myself to call a butterfly an insect, though it is, and even calling it a beautiful creature does not seem to do it justice. A butterfly is so ethereal, so delicate, light and airy, not earthy, but having more of a heavenly nature.
About The Monarch’s Life…
There are four stages of a monarch butterfly, the egg, larvae or caterpillar, pupa or chrysalis, and the adult butterfly. I always had the preconceived notion that a butterfly had a short life expectancy, until one day, on Peaks Island in Maine, my husband and I watched monarchs preparing to leave for their migration. It was the most incredible sight to see and, the first time we had cause to wonder how a creature that lived 3 to 6 weeks could migrate. After researching, we learned that 4 generations are born in a 1-year cycle. The first 3 live from 3-6 weeks but the 4th lives from 6-8 months and migrates to warmer climates to start the cycle all over again. Amazing! Monarchs migrate in the fall. They travel up to 3,000 miles and often migrate to the same exact trees! Those east of the Rocky Mountains migrate to Mexico. Those west of the Rockies fly to the coast of California.
Some differences between a moth and a butterfly…
Butterflies have long, thin antenna, unlike moths that have shorter feathery ones. Butterflies rest with their wings closed, Moths rest with their wings open. Butterflies make a chrysalis, an outer shell made of a hardened protein. Moths make cocoons that are spun into a silk casing.
Migration Concerns And How You Can Help!
Did you know that in the caterpillar stage, a monarch butterfly will eat only milkweed, and in the last decade milkweed plants were disappearing all across the U.S.? However, the ever-increasing love affair with butterflies has not only captured our imagination but also brought attention to their plight and moved people to do something about it. Soon, there was a movement all across the country to start planting milkweed. It is the efforts of so many that have begun to turn around the declining numbers of the migrating monarch population. And you can join the effort to protect this beautiful, amazing, creature by planting milkweed and other nectar flowers in your garden or landscape!
Most Amazing of All...
A Monarch butterfly has been chosen above all signs to whisper messages from heaven that our loved ones are okay and safe with God! Have you ever seen a butterfly seem to hover around you until you were totally drawn to it and felt the presence of a loved one in such an undeniable way that you were moved to ask, “Is That You?” Countless people have!
Perhaps God created the amazing monarch as a tangible way to speak to us through its very nature. A butterfly changes from one form into a completely different one when it enters the chrysalis where that mysterious change takes place. From a caterpillar that spends its entire life moving around on the ground, it emerges as this beautiful being with wings – that is no longer earthbound, but can fly! In this same way, butterflies give us a small glimpse of our own heavenly nature, and the hope that the same wondrous changes will take place in our chrysalis, or tomb, where we will emerge as a being that is no longer earthbound!
Note: If you have ever experienced a butterfly encounter, I invite you to share your story by contacting Phyllis, The Butterfly Lady!
The Butterfly Club: Is that You?
$13 (including S&H)
A Monarch butterfly has been chosen above all signs to whisper messages from heaven that our loved ones are okay and safe with God! Have you ever seen a butterfly seem to hover around you until you were totally drawn to it and felt the presence of a loved one in such an undeniable way that you were moved to ask, “Is That You?” Countless people have! Perhaps God created the amazing monarch as a tangible way to speak to us through its very nature. A butterfly changes from one form into a completely different one when it enters the chrysalis where that mysterious change takes place. From a caterpillar that spends its entire life moving around on the ground, it emerges as this beautiful being with wings – that is no longer earthbound, but can fly! In this same way, butterflies give us a small glimpse of our own heavenly nature, and the hope that the same wondrous changes will take place in our chrysalis, or tomb, where we will emerge as a being that is no longer earthbound! Note: If you have ever experienced a butterfly sign, I invite you to share your story through the “Contact Phyllis” feature on the navigation bar!
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