Butterfly Encounters

A Butterfly Encounter has been described by innumerable people as the sudden appearance of a butterfly delivering a message of comfort and hope in a time of grieving for the loss of a loved one.  Sometimes the encounter gives encouragement, inspiration or a simple hug. These are some of the beautiful butterfly encounter stories that have been shared, and I invite you to share your own encounter!


 A Monarch’s Gift…

Danny was 18 when he was struck and killed by a hit and run driver three weeks after leaving for college. In addition to dealing with her son’s absence, his mother was trying to find a way to reconcile the mystery of Danny’s final moments. Her constant companions were anger and grief until that morning when even those familiar feelings were gone, replaced by a frightening emptiness. She wandered aimlessly in a near-by meadow and stopped because of a tree that had previously fallen across the path. Her intention to immerse herself in grief was interrupted by a monarch butterfly that began to hover around her until her heart started to match the flutter of this small winged creature, and finally landed on a stick near her feet. She unconsciously held her breath as she picked it up, sensing it would not fly away. Holding it in her hands it was as if her son, Danny, were speaking the words himself, “Mom, I’m okay. I’m alright.” And from that hour on, the darkness slowly started to dissipate like morning dew being drawn up by the sun…

Nancy G.

 A Butterfly Smile…

Nicole’s cousin, Carlos, was in his mid-twenties when his girlfriend died in a car accident. He’d been deeply mourning her passing, posting daily online about his struggles to come to terms with the loss. A few days after hearing about butterfly encounters, Carlos sent Nicole a selfie of a monarch butterfly that had landed on his gold necklace! It was the first time in weeks that she saw a smile on his face.

Nicole D.

He Was Okay …

Jan’s son, Gary, was the oldest of her four children. He was talented, loved by all, and plagued with depression that would finally lead to his death at the age of 40. His mother described a moment when her pain seemed too great to bear. She went outside, lay down on the deck, and closed her eyes for what seemed the longest time. When Jan later opened her eyes, there was a monarch butterfly resting directly over her heart. It stayed until the pain had eased a bit, and only then flew off. Jan, like countless others, described how she felt her son’s presence through the monarch and truly believed the butterfly had come to deliver a message of comfort her son had longed to convey, he was okay and safe …

Jan M.

The Day He Passed Away…

“My Dad always loved monarch butterflies. The day he passed away a large, absolutely gorgeous monarch had landed on my arm and stayed there a while. I knew it was my Dad. All these years later, whenever I miss him, I start talking to him and a large monarch butterfly appears. It never fails. I know Dad is my guardian angel. He appears whenever I need him to reassure me everything is going to be okay. And when I say, “Hi, Dad”, the butterfly opens and closes his wings, it’s like he’s talking to me.”

Marsha A.

My Monarch Butterfly…

Just after my Mother passed, I was visiting the cemetery, when a monarch butterfly kept flying around me. When I got in my car to leave, it almost flew in the window. I said, out loud, "Mom, is that you?"

~ Janet R

My Mom’s Gift…

“My mom passed away in 04 and every summer a yellow butterfly comes around my children and me. So we say hi mom/nana every time we see one. I also have yellow butterflies tattooed on me.”

Deanne M

My Daughter Found Me…

I recently lost my daughter, a very successful young woman who passed when she was only 41 due to complications after surgery. She loved butterflies and oak trees. In the beginning I thought I was just reaching for straws to find her. But that wasn't the case, she found me. I have so many beautiful butterflies that flutter around my home since my daughter passed. I have truly never seen such beautiful butterflies on my property and we’ve lived here since 1985 where my children grew up. My younger daughter had a beautiful monarch butterfly on the back of her neck and another one on the inside of her calf. We both had no doubt the butterflies were a sign from her sister who is trying to bring peace to us. I adore this butterfly group page, (For the LOVE of Butterflies) it is so comforting and I go to it everyday. I truly believe my daughter has sent me in this direction. I'm learning so much about the butterfly and all the beautiful species of butterflies but most important the message the butterfly gives. I am now part of The Butterfly Club! Thank you!

Jersy M.

A Butterfly’s Healing Presence…

Joan adopted Alice when she was a baby. In spite of all the love she gave her, Alice struggled with depression and addiction her whole young life. When she was 17, she lost her battle and sadly took her own life shortly after giving birth to a baby girl. I was Joan’s next-door neighbor and used to help out by bringing the baby to my house to give her a break. One day, while Alice’s baby was in the swing, only a few months old, a monarch butterfly began flying around and around her and finally landed on my own daughter’s window. I called my daughter to come outside. When she did, the monarch landed on her and I immediately felt this strong connection between a mother and daughter and that this butterfly encounter had been sent to comfort Joan and let her know that her own daughter was okay! When I told Joan about the butterfly she had this shocked look on her face and told me that the very day before Alice died she had painted a butterfly on her sweatshirt! I could feel the healing that butterfly encounter brought to Joan, delivering a message that her daughter was safe now and still near…

Lucie C.

A Message She Was Okay…

When my daughter was small, she would wave her arms like wings when she was excited. My grandmother went in the hospital for open-heart surgery. My daughter was 3 then and we went to see her before surgery. Before we left, my Mamaw said when she got out of the hospital she would take her little butterfly on a picnic. Mamaw came off the bypass machine and passed away. When we went home that day there were many small purple butterflies in our yard. It was like she was saying she was ok. Ever since, butterflies have been special to me.

Pamela T.

My Brother Is Near…

“For the past few weeks, there are white butterflies fluttering all around my brother’s memorial in my front yard. I know my brother is near!”

Kathryn C.






She Sent a Sweet Butterfly...

My mom died eight years ago! Right after she passed I started noticing that everything she had had butterflies on it! One day going out the door I couldn’t quit sobbing thinking about her and this sweet Monarch butterfly followed me all the way to the car. As soon as I open the door it landed and just sat there for a long time. I knew right away that was my mom letting me know everything was OK!

Tonya C.

 A Butterfly Will Cheer You Up…

I had always heard that when you need something to cheer you up a butterfly will come to you from a loved one in Heaven. On the anniversary of my Mom's death, I missed her dearly, so my husband took me fishing to try to take my mind off it. While we were fishing I felt something on my feet. It was hot and I was wearing flip flops. I looked down and saw lots of butterflies on my feet. I thought to myself, My Momma knows how much I miss her and sent me plenty of messengers to make me feel better!

Deborah B.

It Was Not The Perfume!

It was a dreary day in March, and I was feeling a little down. I had lost my father a few years back, and then my daughter, and then very recently, my mother.  I grabbed my dog Allie and we set off for a hike in the woods.   As we walked down the path, from out of nowhere, flew this black butterfly.  I had never seen a butterfly this early in the season, so I watched it in wonder.  It flew way up into the trees, almost out of sight; it hesitated and then flew straight down towards me and landed on my chest! I stood very still in shocked surprise.  After a minute, it flew away.  We finished our walk and went home.  There was not a leaf or a flower out yet, and I wondered how that butterfly had even hatched in the cold weather. I don't wear perfume, so that was not the reason.  The next day I again took my dog for a walk, and as we walked, I wondered what had become of the butterfly.  After a few minutes, here comes a black butterfly again!  This time it landed on my head; it sat there for a minute and then flew off! Again, we finished our walk and returned home.  It was a few days before my dog and I got out for another walk. Deep down, I knew that if I saw a butterfly again, it would mean something.  For the third and final time, a black butterfly flew down and landed, this time on my back!  I don’t know if it was the same butterfly or not, but its wings were very tattered. I had no doubt it was my three spirits in heaven telling me they are all together and happy.

Martha A

I Can Feel His Presence…

“At 14, my brother decided to take his life to escape child abuse. I was 11. His last words to me were, when you smell the honeysuckles and see the butterflies, know I am safe with Him. It is hard to explain, but when butterflies are around me, I can feel his presence.So in his honor I got a butterfly tattoo... it reminds me of his love everyday.”

R. D.

A White Butterfly…

We heard the sirens in the early hours of that February morning of 2020 and would soon learn that our dear neighbor’s son had died unexpectedly during the night. Peg walked by our house every day and her grief walked with her.  Months later, she stopped me to say she’d been waiting to tell me about her butterfly encounter. “I was taking Precious for a walk with my granddaughter when suddenly she stopped short in her tracks. “Mimi,” she pointed, “you have a white butterfly sitting on your head! Phyllis”, she exclaimed, “a white butterfly, and it happened on Easter morning! Could there be a more perfect sign to let me know that Josh is in heaven? And that’s my butterfly story”, she finished, choking out the last words as happy tears poured down her cheeks, “my son came to tell me that he’s okay.”

Peg G.

Mothers Are Always Near…

What a fantastic Mother’s Day! I had a delicious lunch with my son, and then we went to buy a frame for the 3D Butterfly picture my grandkids gave me when I saw this real live Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly on a shopping cart.  I put my hand down to see what it would do. It climbed on my hand and just stayed there refusing to fly away. I’ve been going through a very difficult time right now and there was no doubt this was my mother coming to hold my hand to comfort me just like she used to do...

Anna B.

They Uplifted My Spirit

During our Sunday drive in and around Central MA, we decided to stop at a Dunkin’ Donuts in Clinton. The place was crowded with many older teens. One young lady was standing outside the door and was hesitant to go in and buy a drink (so we offered to help her). She showed us how a butterfly had landed on her hand and stayed there for the past 20 minutes. Immediately, I thought about “The Butterfly Club” and in a general way, I mentioned how a butterfly is believed to come as a sign from God in memory of a loved one. She had been looking down often and remarked how she felt very drawn to it. Then she looked up and said her Mom had passed away a year ago (one year as of last week). I spoke about this a little further with her and noticed her eyes and face becoming a little brighter. We had to say goodbye but I could sense that what she experienced today was comforting and very timely.

Rita S.

I Know It’s My Dad…

I’ve loved butterflies my entire life, and ever since my dad passed away I have had a yellow swallowtail in my garden every summer. When I got married and my brother walked me down the aisle there was a yellow swallowtail around us. And the next day it flew in between us and just hovered there. I know it’s my dad.

Jennifer C.

A Butterfly’s Perfect Timing…

My messengers most commonly are yellow butterflies. We were in the Galapagos on a vacation. I was feeling rather anxious being so isolated in the middle of the ocean on a small boat. So we were on a hike on one of the islands, and a yellow butterfly flew up and hovered right in front of my face before it fluttered off. The guide gasped, and said, “That kind of butterfly is very rare here!” My anxiety disappeared. Isn’t that awesome?

Kathy D.

 I Know My Mom Is at Peace…

"Another butterfly at my daughter Tracy's house.  When she got home it flew around my granddaughter, Kaycee, 3 times then left. I know Mom is at peace. I know I am truly in the Butterfly Club!

~ Linda B.

They’re Mostly White Ones Now…

I hope you have time to read my story. My life changed forever one late night In October 2014 when a police officer knocked on our door and asked if we were the parents of Katie Ann. He then broke the most devastating news that no parent ever wants to hear; our daughter had died in a car accident. In the weeks leading up to her funeral I can't really put into words what happened in our house, all I know is that we were blessed with countless butterfly encounters that gave us the spiritual reassurance of Katie’s life still continuing. My family and I had lived in our house for nearly 17 years at that time and had never encountered what we did in the next few months especially considering the time of year. I recall some of their special visits but far too many to tell you them all.

The next day after we received the news we started to see butterflies around the house. They always seemed to be around us, especially during emotional times. 
I had gone to have a shower and broke down in tears looking at the pebble canvases on the wall that were a gift from Katie. As I sat there sobbing I saw a butterfly on the bathroom door. I knew straight away it was Katie. 

We never really slept in those first weeks and I remember, one morning, coming out of my bedroom to see a butterfly on the carpet outside of my son’s bedroom. I knew how much she loved him and how much he was struggling with her loss. On the morning of her funeral we were all in our rooms getting ready. When we went to go downstairs a butterfly was on Katie’s bedroom door. She was with us every step of the way, always letting us know she was still around.

A few months later I was told of a monthly bereavement group for parents. It was always a very emotional gathering as we were all there for the same reason. I remember walking back to my car trying not to break down, but once inside, sat and cried. I looked up to see a butterfly on the wall in front of the car and smiled through the tears as I knew Katie was there.

It’s now six years on and butterflies are part of my life. Their presence brings me comfort as I feel it’s my daughter reminding that me that love never dies!  They're mostly white ones now but I remember reading somewhere these are said to represent a child’s spirit and I love that.

Thank you for listening to my story. Wishing you Peaceful Butterfly blessings

Vikki B.

The Black Butterfly…

Kathy and her husband were sitting on their patio having a serious discussion about death when a huge black butterfly flew between them.  She had never seen a black butterfly before and knowing black is the color associated with death was totally unnerved and more than concerned as they both struggled with their beliefs as to what happens after this life! She felt a chill. It was as if the black butterfly was sent to tell them not to worry about death, that everything would be okay!

Kathy P.

“Is That You Dad?”

 “This true story happened a year after my husband Russ' death. Jane (our daughter) and I took a memory walk at Pulaski Park in Ct, where Russ and I spent many memorable days together.  This day we went down onto the beach and, walking along, we saw a beautiful yellow & black butterfly on the beach sand. We stood and admired it for a while then continuing on across the bridge to see if I could walk to the bench across the pond.  Just starting along the path we spotted another much larger and more beautiful yellow & black butterfly resting on a moss covered stump.  We bent down to get a closer look! He didn’t move.  Jane said very seriously, “Is that you Dad?” We kept looking at him and I said to Jane, “I wonder if he’ll let us pet his wings?” He did let us both pet his wings, and then proceeded to fly over our heads and all around us.  After a while we continued on our walk discussing the good feeling that butterfly gave us.

That day I continued on and on through the whole trails, even to the very steep hill I hadn’t walked in years.  I’m certain my husband had accompanied us all the way that day!! A couple of days later, while visiting Russ’ grave, I was looking at a card Jane had left and Ann (another daughter, from Bristol, pointed behind me (not knowing the Pulaski story), and there was a beautiful yellow & black butterfly resting on his grave… “

Kathleen L

Note:  This dearest 91 year-old woman called me after reading a newspaper article about my book.  She wanted to tell me her story she had written down years ago in hopes of sharing it one day.  Like so many people who have experienced an encounter, she had no way of knowing she was part of a club! 

The Comfort She Needed…

My recent butterfly signs/ encounters happened while I was revising and trying to finish our family ancestral information. These were folks who were born at home in small villages in Latvia and worked as farmers or tradesmen until the Soviets and soon after, the Nazis boldly invaded and occupied this tiny country.  People were forced to give up their land and businesses, many were mass deported to work camps in Siberia, and anyone of Jewish descent was quickly executed. As I re-read our ancestors’ stories and these articles, my heart ached for them.  I often became overwhelmed and very sad about their struggles, staying power, imagining the atrocities they had witnessed, and their ability to remain hopeful.  I would stop periodically, to reflect, pray, cry and then resume.  I decided to step outside during these breaks, just to get some fresh air.  And lo and behold, all sorts of butterflies started to appear in my flowerbed throughout the day and every day for about two weeks!  Each one seemed to uplift my spirit and gave me strength to stay the course.  They were clearly the signs and support I needed to complete these family heritage albums and place them in the hands of my children … reminding them, this is how our past becomes our present…
~ Rita S

There Could Be No Doubt It Was Her…

When all my cousins were young, my Nana would have us capture a caterpillar put it in a plastic “bug house” and feed it until it became a chrysalis. We all watched this caterpillar grow into a beautiful Monarch butterfly. We are aged 58-39 now and we all remember and love the Monarch Butterfly. Now that Nana has left this earth, she comes back to visit. One time in NH on her birthday, April 18, while we were wearing winter coats, a Monarch chased my cousin, Carter, 4  as he ran around the cemetery by her headstone giggling and trying to get away from it..... We all knew it was Nana. She always LOVED playing with the kids and animals of all kinds. This is not a butterfly encounter but I had to share it anyway. My friend Malissa passed away at 30, 9 years ago November 30th. She told us all she would make sure we knew she was still with us. We were all at the church and the priest was saying a sermon. All of a sudden we heard a “pop” from the room behind and to the side of the altar. The priest looked confused and went in the room. A hurricane type lamp had broken and set the tablecloth on fire!! It was just lit when he came in from the service so it wasn’t too hot to have that happen and we all had our coats off in the church because the room was a comfortable temperature. Most of us started laughing through tears....... she was a volunteer firefighter..... only SHE would send a sign such as that.

A Blessing for the Cemetery…

It was a day spent weeding, cleaning and refreshing the prison cemetery, a day that meant so much to the men. A new sign was lovingly made and worn out Veteran signs were replaced at the gravesites. A meaningful prayer was said and, as we were all departing, we saw a yellow butterfly fluttering over all the graves.  There was no doubt to all there that this was a sign from God blessing the cemetery.

~ Sr. Ruth

Sign Stories

Butterfly encounters, a butterfly suddenly appearing at the perfect time you are in need, are the most cited of all stories told that communicate a message of hope and comfort from a loved one who has died.  People have also shared beautiful personal and intimate signs from loved ones that are undeniable and affirm that their loved ones are not only safe but near! Enjoy and please share your stories too!

Our Grandparents Were With Us…

“My soon to be husband, Drew, loved his grandfather so much and was saddened that he died right before we were married. On the very morning of our wedding day, Drew was given a little of his grandfather’s ashes and put them in his coat pocket. During our wedding ceremony, a small butterfly landed on his shoulder and stayed there for a while. We both knew in our hearts that it was his grandfather coming to our wedding! I knew how he was feeling because I was missing my sweet Nana who had died a few years ago. When we were getting our engagement pictures done, there was a red cardinal in the tree that seemed to just stay there, watching. The cardinal was always my Nana’s sign. We both felt that our grandparents were with us at such an important day in both our lives!”

Jill G.

Signs Are Everywhere…

Whenever we see a red cardinal, we often think of my Nana. I believe signs of comfort from God are everywhere if you are open to see them.

~ Jodi O

A Visit From My Daughter

I had a daughter named Alana.  When she was six years old, she came down with a rare form of cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma.  Alana and I spent a good part of two years in and out of the hospital.  One day, when we were at the hospital, I was trying to keep her happy, so I made up a story about a bluebird.  She loved the story and, with the help of her father, bought me a pretty bluebird necklace and matching earrings, which I still wear to this day. She survived her cancer at that time.  Due to the aggressive nature of the radiation she received, she came down with another type of cancer when she turned eighteen.  She did not survive this time.  She died on June 13th, 1993. Many years later, on a beautiful spring afternoon, I was golfing with some ladies.  It was the day after Mother's Day.  We were waiting for the women in front of us to finish the hole, so we had a few minutes to chat.  One of the ladies asked me if I had heard from all my kids on Mother's Day.  I have six children and I proudly announced that I had, but added, except for my daughter, Alana, who had passed.  At that very moment, from out of nowhere, a bluebird flew down and landed on the grass next to us.  The bird sat there for about 15 seconds, just looking at us.  We were all staring at the bluebird in wonder!  I had never even seen an actual bluebird before!  Then, as fast as it appeared, it flew away. I finished my mother's day story with, "Well, I guess I've heard from all my kids now!"

Martha A.

Then It Was My Turn…

“Not long after our Dad had passed away, my brother, John, was working outside and noticed a bumblebee kind of tagging along as he moved around the yard. He was amused, as this character wouldn’t leave him alone! Finally, John turned toward the bumblebee and said—“Dad, is that you?” With that, the bee began to bob up and down repeatedly as if to say yes yes yes‼! John shared that story with me, and it was fun to think of that as actually possible.

Then it was my turn. While playing golf one day, I was faced with an approach shot of about 15 yards over a sand trap and onto the green and I was debating which golf club to use. There was this bumblebee hovering over my golf bag that I didn’t pay much attention to. I started to pull out my pitching wedge, then my sand wedge, and back and forth trying to decide the best club and all of this, with my curious companion watching with seemingly great interest. When I reached again for my sand wedge, the bumblebee reacted with a bobbing up and down just as excitedly as my Brother had described‼! I used the sand wedge and hit one of the most beautiful shots that flew majestically over the sand trap and landed just inches from the cup. I turned back toward my “friend” and said,“Thanks, Dad.”

I shared that encounter with my Brother, and now I too, felt a very real connection with our Dad. Had a tough time putting these stories down to writing, but it is wonderful sharing them with people who “get it”!  Lots of Love.

Marc C.

Note: Though butterflies are the most cited of all signs used to communicate a message from a loved one who has died, I love how signs are so personal to the person receiving them.

When Debbie Was Dying…

Sunday morning, December 30th, the emotional drain I had been feeling for days had so caught up to me that I needed to get out of the house. Just 64, our dear friend, Debbie, was dying. We escaped to the Muffin House in Millis. To avoid a traffic situation when we left, my husband, Brian, turned into a gas station and, in front of us were two clothing bins. I actually had a bag of clothes in the car intended for Savers, but Planet Aide was also a good cause. As Brian approached the yellow bin, he spotted a bright green rubber butterfly which was the only thing on the ground in front it! He turned, showed it to me, smiled, then carefully placed it on the bin. When we got home we learned that Debbie had died that morning. We realized we had to drive back and thankfully found the butterfly still there. Debbie’s spirit has been so strongly with us – just like her. And now, her butterfly, will hang forever on our wall!

Phyllis Calvey

A Feather Was His Sign…

I have had a few signs.  One was when our son married 2 months after my Dad passed.  I always felt feathers were his way of showing he was present.  We were at rehearsal and I asked him to show a sign that he was with us. And he did. Stuck in the step where we all had to walk to the wedding was one lone feather that couldn’t be missed!

Debbie W.

I Began To Find Feathers…

Right after my Dad passed away I began to find feathers in the most unusual places – just where you wouldn’t expect to find one, and just when I needed them. I had no doubt it was him communicating with me.  Often feathers came on special occasions.  On his birthday this year I actually found three feathers before the day was over.  I knew he was smiling down at me from heaven.  But my favorite feather came in this way.  I had just lost my job and was feeling very depressed and worried.  My little girl came running over to me happy as can be.  “Look what I found?” she said beaming.  And she handed me the most beautiful feather she had in her hand.  I knew it was my Dad telling me that everything was going to be okay.  I love that he can talk to me through this special sign of the feathers he sends!

~ Kara C

She Could Only Stare in Disbelief…

My best friend’s husband died of a heart attack four months ago.  Paul was just one of those really good guys, so kind, such a good father, and he did everything for his wife.  My husband and I have been best friends with Paul and Linda for years, and still Linda had a hard time even talking to me about him.  The other day she told me something happened that she had wished would happen since he died. “Last night I dreamed of Paul,” she said, “and it seemed so real I never wanted to wake up; it was as if he was right there in the room with me.”  The following week when Linda worked her night shift as a caregiver, the woman she cared for fell asleep early, which ruled out their usual routine of watching television together.  Instead, she looked around the room and saw a book on the nightstand. She recognized the author, Debbie Macomber, and the title seemed inviting: The Inn at Rose Harbor.  She picked up the book and settled into the chair beside the bed, but when she started to read the first sentence she could only stare in disbelief. The book began with these words, “Last night I dreamed of Paul."  It touched my heart so deeply when I heard this story that I had to share it.  I had no doubt that Linda got her sign that Paul was still with her…

~ Marie L

I Asked Him for a Sign…

My wonderful dad passed away on Wednesday. Even 51yrs with him wasn’t enough. I asked him for a sign yesterday when that tiny doubt crept in. I was looking for reassurance that we made the right decision in allowing him to die peacefully and not endure more suffering. Silly to even ask if you know my dad. I wanted to know that he knew how much I loved him and that he loved me. Even stupider question but that’s how powerful that little “I’m not enough” voice is. Well, dad cancelled that out when he played this song on the radio. (Jackie took a picture of her radio which had the song title displayed -- “Wind Beneath My Wings”.) It’s the song we danced to at my wedding. He always told me when he heard it. Dad, you rock! Within 24 hours you gave me the best sign you could. You will ALWAYS be my hero and the greatest man that ever lived. Love YOU more. Xoxo

~ Jackie E


So I got a phone call this morning at 8:15 a.m. asking for Dorothy. I asked who was calling and they said some political action group. I asked “Dorothy who?” They said they’d call back and hung up. I sat for a minute and realized it’s my mom’s birthday and her name was Dorothy. She’s been gone for almost 9 years! I still get mail for her but not a phone call. Coincidence???

~ Debbie F 

My Butterfly Birthday Cards…

“I have always loved butterflies and when I left home my mother would always send me the prettiest butterfly birthday cards. God called her home the end of March, 2000, and my birthday is in August. My sister kept Mom’s bible and, looking thru it months after Mom’s passing, she found a birthday card that had a butterfly on it, not signed, but she knew it was for me. She sent it telling me this story and to me that was my butterfly sign! My Mom has a butterfly on her headstone and her name is Rose…I have a butterfly and a red rose tattoo and I use a butterfly as my trademark!”

Ann B.

I Needed a Sister Card…

A few days ago I was at the Paper Store to buy a few cards. I figured while I was there I might as well pick out the birthday cards I will need for the November and December celebrations. I found a beautiful one for a dear friend, sweet one for our niece and as I glanced over I saw the sister cards. My heart grew heavy. I needed a sister card for my sister in law's birthday. Sometimes I struggle with sister cards, especially since the passing of my dear sister, Pamela. I took a deep breath trying to read each card to find the right one and my heart just grew heavier as the beautiful words of "close" and "being there for each other" appeared card after card. Just as I was about to walk away the song that we played at her service begin to play in the store. "If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song...." Pamela read my heart. She knew I missed her, she knew my heart was heavy and she allowed that song to play so that I would know she was with me. I felt her beautiful presence and was able to stay to pick out just the right card for my sister-in-law. (Thank you my dear sister.)
~ Debbie M 

Pennies from Heaven…

We have pennies in our family that appear when something important happens in our life. I have some strange stories so I believe in the Butterfly Club!
~ Mickeline D

My Mom Is Definitely Here With Us…

Since my mother died, I feel she has connected with me through butterfly signs that appear in various aspects of my life. When we were checking out locations to open a craft store in memory of my Mom who was a crafter, we first looked at a storefront in Uxbridge.  It was nice enough, but then when we walked into the place in Bellingham, “it just felt right.”  In fact, on the day we went to get the business license to open the store, in spite of the fact that it was October, and cold, a butterfly appeared. I felt it was my mom, telling me that I was doing the right thing.  In the shop, there is a door near the ceiling where the climate control unit and storage is in this small compartment. The building had been vacant for two years before we leased it.  When my husband, Jim, got a tall ladder to turn the system on, we couldn’t believe what was inside -- a beautiful book in color entitled, “A World of Butterflies” and a black wrought iron candle holder with 8 butterflies! I tell you I got the chills right through me! We decided to name our store, Butterfly Gifts & Crafts in memory of my Mom who is definitely here with us and let us know this was the right place for us to be! 

~ Deb C

There For The Reunion…

A brief story...four years ago my six remaining siblings and families gathered at our home in Uxbridge for a reunion surrounding our mother's 80th birthday. On the morning of the first full day of our gathering, a large 'walking stick' insect was attached to the sliding screen door and stayed there for a good portion of the day. There was no doubt in my mind that our father and/or brother were joining us for the celebration through this rare creature. God bless.
~ Kim G.

My Prayer Was Answered…

In early 2013 we learned that my mother had lung cancer that had metastasized to her brain. And even though we all knew her time with us was short, one day my father was telling her that he was going to get her a handicap license plate so that she would be able to park close to the door when shopping, her favorite pastime. It reminded us of something that happened years ago. My father had a nickname for my mother that she hated, Fluffy. Looking back, I think it stemmed from the saying, she’s not fat, she’s fluffy. But he thought it was something cute and had a license plate made that said FLUFFY and put it on the front of her car. She was furious and refused to drive the car until he removed it. We joked now that the handicap plate was going to say FLUFFY. On April 9, 2013, my siblings and I were there when she passed. Life continues and all of a sudden you realize that everything has changed. My mother was gone and I was having a hard time coming to terms with her death. It was a Saturday morning and my boyfriend and I were running errands. I can remember being in the passenger seat and looking out the window crying. I prayed at that moment for a sign that things were going to be alright. We were stopped at a light and I looked at the car in front of us, it was a small white car with the license plate FLUFFY….right then and there I knew that my prayer was answered and everything was alright!”

Lisa P.

Note: Such a perfect example of the difference between a sign and a coincidence! Signs deliver messages in God’s perfect timing in a way that is undeniable. It is impossible to believe that seeing a license plate with the name “Fluffy” at that moment could be a coincidence.

Signs Are A Personal Connection…

I received a very special sign from my son John. As a young boy and even into his early teens, on those nights he couldn't sleep, he'd ask me if I would listen to the owls with him. Four months after his promotion into heaven, I was awakened by an unusual sound hitting the screen on the patio door. John's sister heard it to and came to investigate. It was a huge owl! We stood there together hugging and crying. The owl sat on the deck railing for a few more seconds and literally disappeared.

Diane P.

The Owl

I see an OWL every day since my sister died 4 years ago. She was nuts about owls.                                                                         

~ Rebecca T

And There It Was…

A friend recently gave me your book after my mother passed away. I loved the book. When I finished I went back to flip through it, that is when I saw your dedication. All the signs I have been looking for, and there it was. The note you wrote me was my mother speaking, even the handwriting looked like hers. She is with me always. Thank you...          
~ Jeanne M.

Nina Found The Perfect Sign…

Debbie had planned all along that when she had grandchildren she wanted to be called Nana, but her first grandchild, Cadie, would only say Nina, and so it stuck! Debbie used to look for reasons to go shopping for her grandchildren. She loved it so. Since her untimely death one year ago in December, it was difficult to shop without her.  Cadie and her Mom, Jocelyn, were out shopping for shoes for Cadie’s upcoming dance. Just at the moment, when Jocelyn was thinking how much Deb would have loved to be there, she looked up and noticed a sign for a shoe brand called the “touch of Nina”. Cadie had found her shoes! Her Nina had found the perfect sign to let Cadie know she was there with her after all ...

~ Jocelyn M.

The Butterfly Club: Is that You?

$13 (includes s&h)


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